Let me introduce myself, I am a sculptor living and working in Central New Jersey. I spend my days in my studio working on new figure concepts, finishing pieces, and firing the completed dry clay figures in a large(45″high) computer controlled kiln. And with any luck, the pieces will come out of the kiln with no cracks and a beautiful finish.
When I’m not in my studio I am in Princeton with a group of local sculptors working directly from the model at our one day a week work session. Or,…on a good weather day, I take the opportunity to go in-line skating.
Lately I’ve been trying to formulate an improved surface finish for my figurative sculptures. A surface with some sheen but not so thick that it obscures fine detail in the face, hands and feet. This week I will work on test glaze and terra sigillata samples to fire in the kiln. Test samples are important so I know how the glaze/terra sigillata will react with the clay and the shape of the piece.
Check back soon, I’ll post a follow-up blog with pictures of the results of my test samples and figurative works in progress.